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  • ​González-Gómez, PL, Valdivia, CE, Romero CR, Humaña AM. 2004. Puya berteroniana y Puya coerulea como recurso alimenticio para aves en Chile central. Boletìn Chileno de Ornitología 10: 29-33.


  • González-Gómez, PL, Valdivia, CE. 2005. Direct and indirect effect of nectar robbing on the pollinating behaviour of Patagona gigas (Trochilidae) Biotropica 37: 693-696  


  • Valdivia, CE, González-Gómez, PL. 2006. A trade-off between the amount and distance of pollen dispersal triggered by the double foraging behaviour of Sephanoides sephaniodes (Trochilidae) on Lapageria rosea (Philesiaceae). Acta Oecologica 29: 324-327.


  • González- Gómez PL, Estades CF, Simonetti JA. 2006. Strengthened insectivory in a  temperate fragmented forest. Oecologia 148: 137-143. 


  • González-Gómez PL, Vasquez R. 2006. A field study of spatial memory in Sephanoides sephaniodes. Ethology: 112:790-795.


  • Bozinovic F, González-Gómez PL. 2008. Uso del tiempo y energía en aves: un juego entre conducta y fisiología. Quercus 266: 52-55.


  • González-Gómez PL, Estades CF. 2009. Natural selection promotes sexual dimorphism in Green Backed Firecrown (Sephanoides sephaniodes, Trochilidae).  Journal of Ornithology 150:351-356.


  • Lluch A, González-Gómez PL, Simonetti JA. 2009. Is avian insectivory in fragmented forests a permanent phenomenon?. Community Ecology 10:206-208.


  • González-Gómez PL, Vásquez R, Bozinovic F. 2011. Flexibility of foraging behavior in hummingbirds: The role of energy constraints and cognitive abilities. Auk 128:36-42.


  • González-Gómez PL, Bozinovic F, Vásquez RA. 2011. Elements of episodic-like memory in free-living hummingbirds, energetic consequences. Animal Behavior 81:1257-1262.


  • González-Acuña D, Silva C, Soto M, Mironov S, Moreno L, González-Gómez PL, Badrul H, Kinsella M. 2011. Parasites of the Green-backed Firecrown (Sephanoides sephaniodes) in Chile. Revista Mexicana de Biodiversidad 82:1333-1336.


  • González-Gomez PL, Ricote-Martínez N, Razeto-Barry P, Bozinovic F. 2011. Thermoregulatory cost affects territorial behavior in hummingbirds: A model and its application. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 65:2141-2148.


  • Goloff BM, González-Gómez PL, Wingfield JC, Hiebert SM. 2013. Stress Response of Wild-Caught Rufous Hummingbirds. Integrative and Comparative Biology 53: E289. 


  • González-Gómez PL, Merrill L, Ellis VA, Venegas C, Pantoja J, Vásquez RA, Wingfield JC. 2013. Breaking down seasonality. Stress response and androgen regulation in a highly stable environment. General and Comparative Endocrinology 191: 1-12.


  • Hornung-leoni CT, González-Gómez PL, Troncoso AJ. 2013. Novel relationships between floral morphology and nectar characteristics with avian pollinators in five Andean Puya species (Bromeliaceae). Acta Oecologica 51: 54-61.


  • Lopes PC, Chan H, Demathieu S, González-Gómez PL, Wingfield JC, Bentley GE. 2013. Attenuation of male sickness behavior by exposure to a female: in search of mechanisms. Neuroimmunomodulation 20: 348-360.


  • Quirici V, Venegas CI, González-Gómez PL, Castaño-Villa GJ, Wingfield JC, Vásquez.  2014. Baseline CORT and stress response in the Thorn-tailed Rayadito (Aphrastura spinicauda) along a latitudinal gradient. General and Comparative Endocrinology 198: 39-46.


  • González-Gómez PL, Madrid N, Juan E. Salazar, Suarez, R, Razeto-Barry P, Mpodozis J, Bozinovic F Vásquez R. 2014. Cognitive ecology in hummingbirds: the role of sexual dimorphism and its anatomical correlates on memory. PLoS ONE 9(3): e90165. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0090165.


  • González-Gómez PL, Blakeslee WS, Razeto-Barry P, Bothwell RM, Hiebert SM, Wingfield JC. 2014. Aggression, body condition, and seasonal changes in sex-steroids in four hummingbird species. Journal of Ornithology 155: 1017-1025. DOI: 10.1007/s10336-014-1088-y


  • Merrill L, Stewart TE, González-Gómez PL, O’Loghlen AL, Wingfield JC, Ellis VA, Rothstein SI. 2015. Semi-static sexual signals and parasite infections in a passerine: does testosterone play a role?. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 88:11-21. doi: 10.1086/679475.


  • Merrill L, González-Gómez PL, Ellis VA, Levin II, Vásquez RA, Wingfield JC. 2015. A blurring of life-history lines: immune function, molt and reproduction in a minimally seasonal environment. General and Comparative Endocrinology 213: 65-73.


  • González-Gómez PL, Razeto-Barry P, Araya-Salas M, Estades CF. 2015. Does Environmental Heterogeneity Promote Cognitive Abilities?. Integrative and Comparative Biology 55:432-443.


  • Wingfield JC, Perez JH, Krause JS, Word KR, Gonzalez-Gomez PL, Lisovski S, Chmura HE. 2017. How birds cope physiologically and behaviorally with extreme climatic events. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 372: 20160140.


  • Araya-Salas M, Gonzalez-Gomez PL, Wojczulanis-Jakubas K, Lopez V, Wright TF. 2018. Spatial memory is as important as weapon and body size for territorial ownership in a lekking hummingbird. Scientific Reports 8: 2001.


  • Gonzalez-Gomez PL, Echeverria V, Estades CF, Perez JH, Krause JS, Sabat P, Küeltz D, Wingfield JC. 2018. Contrasting seasonal and aseasonal environments across stages of the annual cycle in the rufous-collared sparrow, Zonotrichia capensis: Differences in endocrine function, proteome and body condition. Journal of Animal Ecology. DOI: 10.1111/1365- 2656.12846.


  • Echeverria V, Estades CE, Botero E, Wingfield JC, Gonzalez-Gomez PL. 2018. Prebasic Molt, Feather Quality and Modulation of the Adrenocortical Response to Stress in Two Populations of Rufous-collared Sparrows, Zonotrichia capensis. Journal of Avian Biology accepted .


  • Injaian AS, Gonzalez-Gomez PL, Taff CC, Bird AK, Ziur A, Patricelli GL, Haussmann MK, Wingfield JC. 2019. Assessing maternal and direct effects of traffic noise exposure on nestlings physiology and telomere attrition in a free-living bird. General and Comparative Endocrinology 276: 14-21.


  • Araya-Salas M, Smith-Vidaurre G, Mennill DJ, Gonzalez-Gomez PL, Cahill, J, Wright TF. 2019. Social group signatures provide evidence of learning in visual displays. Proceedings of Royal Society B 286: 20190666.


  • Gutierrez V, Poblete Y, Gonzalez-Gomez PL, Wingfield JC, Vasquez R. 2020. Differences in circulating corticosterone levels associated with elevation of breeding sites in Rufous-collared Sparrows Zonotrichia capensis. Journal of Ornithology 162: 487-496. DOI: 10.1007/s10336-020-01846-w.


  • Quirici V, Botero-Delgadillo E, Gonzalez-Gomez PL, Espíndola-Hernandez P, Zambrano B, Cuevas E, Wingfield JC, Vasquez RA. 2021. On the relationship between baseline corticosterone levels and annual survival of the thorn-tailed rayadito. General and Comparative Endocrinology 300:113635. DOI: 10.1016/j.ygcen.2020.113635


  • González-Gómez PL, Villavicencio C, Quispe R, Schwab P, Cornelius J, Ramenofsky M, Krauss JA, Wingfield JC. 2023. Perspectives on seasonal modulation of stress response in neotropical birds. Hormones and Behavior 152: Volume 152, 105359. DOI: 10.1016/j.yhbeh.2023.105359.


​Manuscripts in preparation


  • González-Gómez PL, Echeverria V, Estades CF, Cabrera R, Wingfield JC. Kidney morphology and proteome in two populations of Zonotrichia capensis in the Atacama Desert. Manuscript in prep.


  • Gonzalez-Gomez PL, Echeverria V, Estades CE, Wingfield JC. Overlapping molt and breeding: an allostatic load perspective. Manuscript in prep.


  • Gonzalez-Gomez PL, Echeverria V, Munilla P, Estades CE, Wingfield JC. On the relationship between feather quality and body condition in heterogenous environments. Manuscript in prep.


  • Gonzalez-Gomez PL, Wingfield JC, Petrile F, Guerrero-Bosagna C. Epigenome and life cycles on birds inhabiting an aseasonal environment.  Manuscript in prep.


  • Gonzalez-Gomez PL, Valdivia CE, Tomasevic J. Long term assessment of the effects of a 10-years drought on biodiversity in artificial and natural wetlands in central Chile. Manuscript in prep. 






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